What Can I Use Instead of Denture Glue?


If you're struggling with loose dentures, you know how frustrating it can be. Everyday tasks like eating, laughing, and speaking can become challenging. While denture glue can provide temporary relief, you may be looking for alternative solutions that are safe and effective in the long run. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various options to help you keep your dentures securely in place without relying on denture glue.

Understanding Denture Adhesives

Before we dive into the alternatives, let's briefly discuss denture adhesives. Denture adhesive, also known as denture fixative or denture glue, is a product designed to stabilise dentures in the mouth. It creates a seal between your dentures and gums, providing a secure fit. 

Denture adhesives come in various forms, including paste, powder, cream, and adhesive strips. While they can be helpful for temporary use, it's important to note that they should not be used as a long-term solution or a substitute for proper denture maintenance.

When to Consider Alternatives

While denture adhesives can offer temporary stability, there are instances when seeking alternatives may be necessary. Here are a few scenarios where you might consider exploring other options:

  1. New Denture Wearers: If you're new to wearing dentures, it may take some time for your facial muscles to adjust to the denture's fit. Denture adhesives can provide additional support during this adjustment period.

  2. Natural Changes in Your Mouth: Over time, your gums may shrink, and bone loss can occur, causing your dentures to become loose. While relining your dentures can help restore their fit, there may come a point when you need a new set of dentures.

  3. Lower Denture Stability: Lower dentures can be more challenging to keep in place due to the absence of a suction grip like upper dentures. If you're experiencing difficulty with your lower denture, exploring alternative options may be beneficial.

The Advantages of Denture Adhesives

Denture adhesives can offer several advantages, particularly for temporary use or specific situations. Here are some benefits of using denture adhesives:

Stability for New Denture Wearers: Denture adhesives can provide added stability and confidence for individuals who are adjusting to wearing new dentures.

Temporary Solution for Loose Dentures: If your dentures have become loose over time and you're awaiting adjustments or a new set, denture adhesives can help keep them in place temporarily.

Improved Comfort: Denture adhesives can create a cushioning effect, reducing discomfort caused by ill-fitting dentures.

However, it's important to note that long-term and excessive use of denture adhesives can have potential health risks. It's always advisable to consult with your dental prosthetist for more permanent solutions.

The Disadvantages of Denture Adhesives

While denture adhesives can provide temporary benefits, there are potential drawbacks to consider. Here are some disadvantages of relying on denture adhesives:

Health Concerns: Excessive use of denture adhesives, especially those containing zinc, can lead to adverse health effects. Some individuals have reported issues such as blood problems and neurological damage after prolonged use.

Difficulty Removing Adhesive: Denture adhesives can be challenging to remove from both your mouth and dentures, causing additional inconvenience.

Non-Permanent Solution: Denture adhesives are not a long-term fix for loose dentures. Continuous and extensive use of adhesives may indicate the need for adjustments or new dentures.

Given these disadvantages, it's crucial to explore alternative options that can provide a more secure and permanent solution for your dentures.


Alternative Measures for Secure Dentures

Now that we've discussed the limitations of denture adhesives, let's explore alternative measures that can help you achieve secure dentures without relying on glue. Here are some options to consider:

1. Proper Denture Maintenance and Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene and properly caring for your dentures is crucial for their longevity and fit. Here are some key practices to follow:

  • Clean your dentures daily with a denture brush and mild soap or denture cleaner.

  • Rinse your dentures thoroughly after each meal to remove food particles.

  • Soak your dentures overnight in water or a denture cleaning solution to keep them moist and prevent them from drying out.

  • Brush your gums, tongue, and palate with a soft-bristle toothbrush to maintain oral health.

  • Visit your dental prosthetist regularly for check-ups and adjustments to ensure proper fit and function.

By following these practices, you can minimise the need for denture adhesives and maintain a secure and comfortable fit.

2. Denture Relining

If your dentures have become loose due to changes in your mouth, denture relining may be a suitable option. Denture relining involves adding a layer of acrylic resin to the underside of your denture to improve its fit and stability.

This procedure can help restore the snugness of your dentures, eliminating the need for adhesives.

Consult with your dental prosthetist to determine if denture relining is the right solution for you. They will assess the condition of your dentures and recommend the most appropriate course of action.

3. Denture Adjustment or Repair

Sometimes, loose dentures can be resolved through simple adjustments or repairs. Your dental prosthetist can assess your dentures and make necessary modifications to improve their fit.

This may involve adjusting the clasps or framework of partial dentures or aligning the base of your full dentures.

If your dentures have any cracks, chips, or broken parts, it's important to get them repaired promptly by your dental prosthetist. Damaged dentures can contribute to instability and discomfort.

4. Denture Replacement

In some cases, denture replacement may be the most effective solution for achieving secure dentures. Over time, dentures can wear down and lose their shape, compromising their fit and stability.

If your dentures are old or no longer providing a comfortable fit, it may be time to consider getting a new set.

Your dental prosthetist will take precise measurements and create custom dentures that fit your mouth perfectly. New dentures can provide improved stability and confidence when eating, speaking, and smiling.

5. Dental Implants for Implant-Retained Dentures

For individuals seeking a more permanent and secure solution, dental implants offer an excellent option. Implant-retained dentures involve the placement of dental implants in the jawbone, which serve as anchors for the dentures.

This innovative approach provides unparalleled stability and eliminates the need for denture adhesives.

Dental implant surgery is performed by a qualified oral surgeon or implant dentist. The implants require a healing period of several months before the dentures can be attached. Once the process is complete, you can enjoy the benefits of secure and comfortable dentures that feel more like natural teeth.

Consult with your dental prosthetist and an implant specialist to determine if you're a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures.

6. Denture Cushioning Products

If you're looking for temporary relief from loose dentures, there are cushioning products available that can provide additional stability.

These products typically come in the form of cushions or pads that can be placed inside your dentures to enhance comfort and fit.

While they are not a permanent solution, they can offer some relief until you can seek professional assistance.

Achieve Secure, Comfortable Dentures at DentureHaus

At DentureHaus, we understand the challenges loose dentures can pose to your daily life. But there's no need to rely on denture adhesives or struggle with an improper fit.

Our team of expert dental prosthetists has been transforming smiles for over 25 years, specialising in state-of-the-art denture solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Don't settle for loose dentures that disrupt your confidence and quality of life. Book a consultation with DentureHaus today, and let us help you rediscover the freedom of a secure, natural-feeling smile you can be proud of.

Mitch Hills