Denture Haus

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5 Psychological Benefits Of Improving Your Smile With Dentures

There are plenty of physiological benefits to improving your smile with dentures, such as easier chewing and eating. However, let’s not forget about the psychological benefits as well.

Investing in dentures can enhance your mental health and boost your confidence. Below, you’ll learn some of the greatest psychological advantages dentures have to offer.

Benefit 1: Increased Confidence

Feeling confident in yourself can seem downright impossible if you have imperfections in your smile. If you’re constantly worrying about the gaps in your teeth and what people might think about them, it’s hard to trust and believe in yourself at home, work, or in any other setting.

Dentures can restore your smile and make your teeth look healthier than ever. A healthy smile, in turn, can encourage you to speak up, greet others with more enthusiasm, and hold your head high.

You’ll be amazed at what you start accomplishing when your self-confidence increases.

Benefit 2: Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Your life is busy and stressful enough without adding concerns about how your smile looks to the mix.

When you consistently stress about your teeth or lack thereof, you have less brain space to think about things that actually matter — such as your family, job, friends, and hobbies.

Taking care of your smile and investing in dentures (or other solutions like implants) gives you one less thing to think about. You might have stress coming at you from other areas of your life, but at least you’re not worried about missing teeth or sagging cheeks.

Benefit 3: Better Mood

The act of smiling (even when you’re faking it) has been proven to help people feel more positive emotions.

All the body’s systems are connected. When you engage the muscles used to smile, you influence your emotional experience and actually start to feel happier.

Do you avoid smiling because you’re worried about people seeing the gaps in your teeth? Imagine the toll that behaviour is taking on your mood and mental health!

When you feel more confident and aren’t afraid to flash your pearly whites, you may find that you feel happier and less depressed.   

Benefit 4: Healthier Relationship with Food

Many people with missing teeth have a hard time eating normally. The act could be painful, or they may feel self-conscious about how they look while eating.

Difficulty eating may cause them to avoid eating as often as they should. It could also create potentially unhealthy behaviours around food, such as eating in secret or limiting themselves to a small number of foods.

A poor relationship with food can easily bleed over into other areas of your life. People with disordered eating habits may be more likely to deal with anxiety or depression, for example.

With the help of dentures, you’ll be able to eat more normally without pain or discomfort. The sooner you can improve your eating experience, the less likely you are to deal with long-lasting insecurities or stress around food.

Benefit 5: Improved Relationships

In addition to taking a toll on your mental health and well-being, a lack of self-confidence and smiling can also impact your relationships with significant others, family members, and friends.

Think about it.

What will your loved ones think if you spend much of your day worrying about how your teeth look or if you never smile because you feel too embarrassed to do so? They might start to wonder if they’re the problem or if you’re unhappy with them for some reason.

If you regularly skip going out with them because of your smile insecurities, that behaviour can also harm your relationship.

Keep in mind, too, that improved mental health and less worrying can also free you up to focus more on your friends and family. Thinking about others more than yourself will help you build stronger relationships.

What Else Do You Need to Know About Dentures?

Are you intrigued by the psychological benefits of dentures? If so, here is some essential denture information to keep in mind as you consider investing in them:

Many People Can Benefit from Dentures

Dentures offer benefits for many people, not just those who are missing all their original teeth. If you meet any of these criteria, you’re likely a good candidate for dentures:

  • You’re missing multiple teeth

  • You have numerous damaged teeth

  • You’ve lost jawbone mass from tooth decay or extractions

  • You want to save money on tooth replacement

If you match any of those descriptions, consider meeting with a denture prosthetist to discuss your options.

Dentures Come in Several Styles

You can still benefit from dentures even if you’re not missing all your teeth. The following are some of the most common styles of dentures you can choose from:

  • Full dentures: These dentures replace an entire row of teeth and can be removable or fixed.

  • Partial dentures: these dentures replace one missing tooth or a few missing teeth. They can also be removable or fixed.

  • Denture implants: Also known as implant-retained dentures, these options are fixed, with implants attracted to the gums.

You can choose between several different denture variations, too, including:

  • Abe Lower Suction dentures, which replace teeth in the lower arch and offer a great deal of stability

  • Bio-Functional Prosthetic System (BPS) dentures, which are made with a unique manufacturing system and provide maximum comfort

  • Digital dentures, which are made using computer-aided design/manufacturing technology and are easy to recreate if dentures are lost or damaged

When you meet with a denture prosthetist for a consultation or fitting, they will discuss all these options with you to help you choose the right combination for your needs and concerns.

Meet with a Denture Prosthetist Today

From increased confidence to a better relationship with food, you can experience many psychological benefits when you get dentures.

Are you ready to take the next step and meet with a denture prosthetist to discuss your options? If so, we can help at Denture Haus.

Our trustworthy clinic offers numerous options for dentures, implants, mouthguards, and more. Book a free consultation today.